Active Participation in Scientific Conferences

Active Participation in Scientific Conferences


Bluvstein, I. (2022).  "From successful aging to attentive aging: Reflections following positive psychology waves and mindfulness research". The 10th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Reykjavik Iceland.


Cukierman-Yaffe, T. (2022). “Cognitive dysfunction a less well recognized complication of diabetes" Invited speech at American Diabetes Association yearly meeting.


Koton, S. (Jan 2022). “Stroke, dementia, and multidisciplinary aging research.” Invited talk at the first workshop for the Center for Aging at Tel Aviv University (Zoom).


Levine DA, Chen B, Galecki AT, Gross AL, Briceño EM, Whitney RT, Ploutz-Snyder RJ, Giordani BJ, Sussman JB, Burke JF, Lazar RM, Howard VJ, Aparicio HJ, Beiser AS, Elkind MSV, Gottesman RF, Koton S, Pendlebury ST, Sharma A, Springer MV, Seshadri S, Romero JR, Hayward RA. (Feb 2022). “Associations between post-stroke vascular risk factor levels with post-stroke cognitive decline”. Presented at the International Stroke Conference 2022 of the American Heart Association (Moderated poster, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA + virtual).


Johansen MC, Chen J, Schneider ALC, Carlson J, Haight T, Lakshminarayan K, Patole S, Gottesman RF, Coresh J, Koton S. (May 2022). “The association between ischemic stroke subtype and stroke severity: the ARIC study”. Presented at the ESOC 2022 – The 8th European Stroke Organization Conference of the European Stroke Organization, Lyon, France (Electronic poster).


Lurie, L. (2022). “Gender, Pension and Retirement".  Vulnerabilities in Old Age.  Bar-Ilan University.


Lurie, L. (2022). “Industrial Relations and the Covid-19 Crisis in Israel (with Guy Mundlak)". LERA Conference. (Virtual Conference).


Lurie, L. (2022). “Pension, retirement and the ageing workforce". Aging - where will we be in 2030? Tel Aviv University.


Lurie, L. (2022). “Equality and Discrimination". Law and Society Conference. Virtual Conference, Israel. 


Mizrahi, E. H. (2022). “How we prepare for the tsunami wave in 2030 ". Aging - where will we be in 2030? Tel Aviv University.


Sasson, Isaac, and Iñaki Permanyer. (2022). "Formalizing Shifting Mortality Inequalities: A Multivariate Approach.". The 6th Human Mortality Database Symposium, Paris


Bernstein, Shayna, and Isaac Sasson. (2022). "Black and White Racial Differences in Expected Survival: Optimism Drives the Racial Anomaly." Population Association of America annual meeting, Atlanta, GA


Permanyer, Iñaki, Isaac Sasson, and Francisco Villavicencio. (2022). "Group- and Individual-Based Approaches to Health Inequality: Toward an Integration." Population Association of America annual meeting, Atlanta, GA


Shmotkin, D. (2022). “Between well-being and trauma: The pendulum of life in old age.” Invited lecture in the lecture series of the Israel Gerontological Society (on Zoom).


Ifrah, K., Shenkman, G., & Shmotkin, D. (2022). "Physical and psychological welfare among older gay men: Quantitative and qualitative investigations." Paper presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv.


Shmotkin, D. (2022). President of the 24th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv.


*Names in bold are those of academic faculty members of the Herczeg Institute on Aging



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